MauT Protection SysteM (MauT.Rb@Gmail.Com)
WellCome To My Blogs [Contac Person Pin BB 27F79384]
Powered By Sofyan Al Humaidi

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Source scripts Spy on

alias chspy {
dialog -dm spy spy
dialog spy {
title "Sofyan Channel Spy"
size -1 -1 120 110
option dbu
tab "intip",1, 5 5 110 95
tab "terima",2
tab "Setting",26
tab "Tentang",3
button "OK",4,6 110 40 10, OK
button "BataL",5,75 110 40 10, Cancel

box "Channel to Spy",20, 10 23 100 70,tab 1
edit "",6, 15 35 90 11,AutoHs,tab 1
text "Current Spying Channel",21",30 50 70 10,tab 1
edit "",22, 15 60 90 11,AutoHs read,tab 1
button "Tambah",8, 15 80 20 10,tab 1
button "Hapus",9, 75 80 30 10,tab 1

box "Channel to report Spy",10, 10 23 100 70,tab 2
edit "",11, 15 35 90 11,AutoHs,tab 2
text "Current Spying Channel",12",30 50 70 10,tab 2
edit "",13, 15 60 90 11,AutoHs read,tab 2
button "Tambah",23, 15 80 20 10,tab 2
button "Hapus",24, 75 80 30 10,tab 2

text "Sofyan Channel Spy",14,17 25 90 10,tab 3
text "DituLis Sofyan ",15,17 35 90 10,tab 3
text "Email:",16,17 45 90 10,tab 3
text "",17,17 55 90 10,tab 3
text "Channel: #Rose_Banditz",18,17 65 90 10,tab 3
text "Enjoy Spying On Others",19,17 75 97 10,tab 3

check "Texts",31,10 25 35 10,tab 26
check "Actions",27,10 35 35 10,tab 26
check "Joins",28,10 45 35 10,tab 26
check "Parts",29,10 55 35 10,tab 26
check "Quits",30,10 65 35 10,tab 26

check "Nicks",32,10 75 35 10,tab 26
check "Kicks",33,10 85 35 9,tab 26
check "Ops",34,75 26 35 10,tab 26
check "Deops",35,75 36 35 10,tab 26
check "Voices",36,75 46 35 10,tab 26

check "Devoices",37,75 56 35 10,tab 26
check "Bans",38,75 66 35 10,tab 26
check "Unbans",39,75 76 35 10,tab 26
check "Topics",40,75 86 35 10,tab 26
check "Modes",41,10 95 35 9,tab 26

text "S",43,50 29 5 7,tab 26
text "E",44,50 40 5 7,tab 26
text "T",45,50 51 5 7,tab 26
text "U",46,50 62 5 7,tab 26
text "P",47,50 73 5 7,tab 26
text "Setup Events to Spy",48,50 97 60 7,tab 26
on 1:DIALOG:spy:init:*: {
did -a spy 22 %spy1
did -a spy 13 %spy2
did -a spy 6 %spy1
did -a spy 11 %spy2
if (%chtext == ON) { did -c spy 31 }
if (%chjoin == ON) { did -c spy 28 }
if (%chaction == ON) { did -c spy 27 }
if (%chpart == ON) { did -c spy 29 }
if (%chquit == ON) { did -c spy 30 }
if (%chnick == ON) { did -c spy 32 }
if (%chkick == ON) { did -c spy 33 }
if (%chops == ON) { did -c spy 34 }
if (%chdeops == ON) { did -c spy 35 }
if (%chvoice == ON) { did -c spy 36 }
if (%chdevoice == ON) { did -c spy 37 }
if (%chban == ON) { did -c spy 38 }
if (%chunban == ON) { did -c spy 39 }
if (%chtopic == ON) { did -c spy 40 }
if (%chmode == ON) { did -c spy 41 }
on 1:DIALOG:spy:sclick:8: {
set %spy1 $did(6)
did -a spy 22 %spy1
enable #chspy
on 1:DIALOG:spy:sclick:9: {
did -r spy 22
did -r spy 6
unset %spy1
disable #chspy
on 1:DIALOG:spy:sclick:23: {
set %spy2 $did(11)
did -a spy 13 %spy2
enable #chspy
on 1:DIALOG:spy:sclick:24: {
did -r spy 13
did -r spy 11
unset %spy2
disable #chspy
on 1:DIALOG:spy:sclick:*: {
if ($did(31).state == 1) { set %chtext ON }
else { unset %chtext }
if ($did(28).state == 1) { set %chjoin ON }
else { unset %chjoin }
if ($did(27).state == 1) { set %chaction ON }
else { unset %chaction }
if ($did(29).state == 1) { set %chpart ON }
else { unset %chpart }
if ($did(30).state == 1) { set %chquit ON }
else { unset %chquit }
if ($did(32).state == 1) { set %chnick ON }
else { unset %chnick }
if ($did(33).state == 1) { set %chkick ON }
else { unset %chkick }
if ($did(34).state == 1) { set %chops ON }
else { unset %chops }
if ($did(35).state == 1) { set %chdeops ON }
else { unset %chdeops }
if ($did(36).state == 1) { set %chvoice ON }
else { unset %chvoice }
if ($did(37).state == 1) { set %chdevoice ON }
else { unset %chdevoice }
if ($did(38).state == 1) { set %chban ON }
else { unset %chban }
if ($did(39).state == 1) { set %chunban ON }
else { unset %chunban }
if ($did(40).state == 1) { set %chtopic ON }
else { unset %chtopic }
if ($did(41).state == 1) { set %chmode ON }
else { unset %chmode }
#chspy on
on *:TEXT:*:%spy1: {
if (%chtext == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3< 4 $$+ $nick $$+ 3> 14 $1- }
else { halt }
on *:ACTION:*:%spy1: {
if (%chaction == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 6? 4 $nick 14 $1- }
else { halt }
on *:JOIN:%spy1: {
if (%chjoin == ON) { msg %spy2 3*** $nick ( $+ $mask($address,3) $+ ) has joined %spy1 }
else { halt }
on *:PART:%spy1: {
if (%chpart == ON) { msg %spy2 3*** $nick ( $+ $mask($address,3) $+ ) has left %spy1 }
else { halt }
on *:QUIT: {
if (%chquit == ON) {
if ( $nick ison %spy1 ) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 4*** $nick has quit IRC 3( $+ $1- $+ ) }
else { halt }
on *:NICK: {
if (%chnick == ON) {
if ($comchan($newnick,1) == %spy1) { msg %spy2 3*** $nick is known as $newnick }
else { halt }
on *:KICK:%spy1: {
if (%chkick == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $knick was kicked by $nick ( $+ $2- $+ ) }
else { halt }
on *:OP:%spy1: {
if (%chops == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets +o $opnick }
else { halt }
on *:DEOP:%spy1: {
if (%chdeops == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets -o $opnick }
else { halt }
on *:VOICE:%spy1: {
if (%chvoice == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets +v $vnick }
else { halt }
on *:DEVOICE:%spy1: {
if (%chdevoice == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets -v $vnick }
else { halt }
on *:BAN:%spy1: {
if (%chban == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets +b $bnick }
else { halt }
on *:UNBAN:%spy1: {
if (%chunban == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick sets -b $1- }
else { halt }
on *:TOPIC:%spy1: {
if (%chtopic == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick changes topic to ' $+ $chan(%spy1).topic ' }
else { halt }
on *:MODE:%spy1: {
if (%chmode == ON) { msg %spy2 14( 3 $+ %spy1 $+ 14) 3*** $nick set mode $1- }
else { halt }
#chspy end

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  • Spy
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    mohon saran dan kritik dari pembaca..!!

    MauT Protection SysteM (MauT.Rb@Gmail.Com)